Thursday, January 25, 2024


Having a blast with family and friends is fantastic, but we should never compromise safety when getting a jet ski rental. While some folks prefer kayaks, canoes, or sturdy rafts, there’s a special place in many hearts for the thrill of riding a jet ski.

It’s a popular summer water activity worldwide, and it’s never too early to start planning your next adventure. As you prepare, take a moment to review these essential safety tips for a worry-free ride.

Basic Safety Rules for Jet Ski Rental

Jet skiing and other personal watercraft can be exhilarating, but they also come with risks. Our top priority is to help you reduce the chances of accidents and injuries. Here are some precautions and safety measures to keep in mind before you hit the water:

1. Jet Ski Life Jackets

Life jackets may seem a bit cumbersome, but they’re your best friend when it comes to water safety. Properly fitted life jackets are crucial for keeping you afloat and preventing accidents. Don’t wait until the last minute to check your life jacket; ensure it’s in good condition and ready to go before your summer adventure.

For kids, wearing life jackets is a must, as they are statistically more prone to accidents. While some places have age-specific regulations for life jacket use, we strongly recommend that everyone, regardless of age, wears a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket. Safety should always be the priority.

2. Protect Your Head with a Helmet

Helmets designed for watercraft can save lives by preventing head injuries in case you get ejected from your jet ski. When you’re out on the water, you never know what you might encounter, from debris hidden beneath the surface to unexpected obstacles. While helmets are typically mandatory for those under 18, they are a wise choice for all adults. What’s cooler: looking fearless or staying safe?

3. Regular Maintenance

We know you’re eager to start riding, but don’t neglect your maintenance duties. Equipment failure can lead to accidents, so it’s essential to perform regular checks. Create a checklist by researching online or consulting with experts like Action Water Sportz. This checklist should cover things like checking oil and fuel levels, assessing cable conditions, ensuring the engine is in good shape, and applying any necessary lubrication.

jet-ski-rental-2-1-300x200.jpgAs a responsible jet skier, part of your responsibility is also preparing your equipment for storage. This involves disposing of old fuel and water, replacing damaged parts, and giving your watercraft a thorough cleaning to remove any marine buildup. Never leave your jet ski floating in the water.

Consider using a proper lift, known as dry docking, for maintenance and storage preparation. These lifts provide walk-around space and come in various types, including single and double options. Using one will extend the life of your jet ski and make maintenance easier. They also work well in shallow water.

4. Don’t Drink and Ride

The old adage “Don’t drink and drive” applies just as much to a jet ski rental in Myrtle Beach. Impaired judgment due to alcohol can lead to injuries and accidents. Your coordination and reaction time are compromised when you’re under the influence. Save the alcoholic beverages for celebrations on land. Make it clear to others that you won’t tolerate drinking and speeding on the water, as these actions can have severe consequences.

Taking Preventive Measures

By following these basic rules, you can enjoy jet skiing responsibly while safeguarding your life and the lives of others. Make sure everyone in your group or family understands the importance of these safety measures. Let’s keep the water fun and adventure-filled while staying safe.

If you’re planning to rent a jet ski near you, please prioritize safety. Many people get injured each year due to not respecting the power of these machines. Whether you’re riding solo or with a group, have a fantastic time on the jet ski, but always remember to stay safe.

Ready for some jet ski rental fun and adventure ? Contact Action Water Sportz now to get started!

Like our Facebook page for more information on jet ski rentals. 

Action Water Sportz
1525 13th Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
(843) 280-4100

Action Water Sportz Little River
4430 Kingsport Road
Little River SC 29566

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