Saturday, May 11, 2024


Among the myriad marine wonders that captivate us, dolphins in Myrtle Beach stand out as particularly enchanting creatures. With their playful demeanor and striking intelligence, dolphins never fail to intrigue humans. So, if you’re gearing up for an adventure on one of our dolphin tours, you’re in for an immersive experience. But why wait? Dive into the world of baby dolphins with these delightful tidbits!

Facts About Baby Dolphins In Myrtle Beach

1. They Can’t Breathe Underwater

First, prepare to be amazed: baby dolphins can’t breathe underwater! Despite their marine habitat, dolphins belong to the mammal family, equipped with lungs instead of gills. Besides, these tiny dolphins can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes, a feat that showcases their amazing adaptation to life in the sea.

2. They’re Born Tail-First

Generally, baby dolphins in Myrtle Beach enter the world tail-first. This unconventional birthing process is a protective measure, ensuring that the newborns avoid inhaling water during delivery. Taking a couple of hours, the birth starts with the baby dolphin surfacing for its first breath of fresh air.

3. Baby Dolphins in Myrtle Beach Learn to Swim Before Birth

While human infants gradually learn to navigate their surroundings post-birth, baby dolphins are born ready to swim. Astonishingly, these marine marvels commence their swimming lessons even before entering the world!

dolphins-in-Myrtle-Beach-1-300x207.jpgAdditionally, researchers have observed baby dolphins honing their aquatic skills in the womb, starting as early as nine weeks into gestation. With gestation periods lasting from nine to 12 months, these little learners have ample time to perfect their strokes.

4. They Use Their Tongues as Straws

In a clever adaptation, baby Myrtle Beach dolphins employ their tongues as makeshift straws for nursing. And just like their terrestrial counterparts, dolphin mothers produce milk to nourish their offspring. However, in the underwater realm, traditional nursing poses a logistical challenge. Enter the ingenious solution: baby dolphins in Myrtle Beach form a straw-like mechanism with their tongues, enabling them to latch onto their mothers and receive nourishment directly into their mouths. Typically, this nursing method continues for two to three years, ensuring the baby’s healthy development.

5. They’re Born Hairy

Contrary to their sleek appearance in adulthood, baby dolphins in Myrtle Beach start their journey with a surprising feature: hair. Upon birth, these adorable creatures sport a fine coat of hair, particularly around their jaw and snout. However, this fuzziness is short-lived, as the hair naturally sheds shortly after birth. Moroever, they do not need insulation in their aquatic habitat. So, baby dolphins embrace their smooth, streamlined forms as they grow.

Armed with these intriguing insights, you’re poised to go on your dolphin watch trips with a newfound appreciation for these captivating creatures. So, impress your fellow adventurers and crew members with your dolphin expertise. Additionally, you can deepen your connection with the marine world.

Ready to witness the beauty of dolphins in Myrtle Beach up close? Consider going on a dolphin tour during your next excursion. Contact Action Water Sportz today to go on an unforgettable journey into the realm of these extraordinary creatures!

Like our Facebook page for more information on jet ski rentals.  

Action Water Sportz
1525 13th Ave N
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
(843) 280-4100

Action Water Sportz Little River
4430 Kingsport Road
Little River SC 29566

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